Racelab (Overlays)

Racelab (Overlays)

Mit Racelabs wurde eine kostenfreie Möglichkeit geschaffen, einfach und schnell anpassbare Overlays für iRacing zu nutzen. Neben der kostenfreien Version gibt es mittlerweile ebenso eine Version mit einer bezahlten Mitgliedschaft und extra Funktionen.


  • Basic Overlays
  • Basic Features & Customization


  • Pro Overlays
  • Pro Streaming Overlays
  • Unlock all customization options

Relative – Overlay

Ähnlich dem originalen Vorbild aus iRacing allerdings mit deutlich mehr Übersicht durch die Verwendung verschiedener Farben und mehr Features. In der Pro-Version mit zusätzlichen Anpassungsmöglichkeiten,

Standing – Overlay

Ebenfalls an das Original aus iRacing angelehnt aber mit deutlich mehr Features (zum Beispiel Multiclass). In der Bezahlversion gibt es auch hier weitere Anpassungsmöglichkeiten, beispielsweise die Einblendung der Fahrerlizenzen (Rookie – WC).

Fuel – Calculator

Ein hilfreichen Overlay um den Spritverbrauch im Überblick zu behalten und immer zu wissen, wie viel nachgetankt werden muss um ins Ziel zu kommen.

Advanced – Panel

Hier werden verschieden Informationen zusammengefast angezeigt. Vor allem für Streaming interessant. In der Pro-Version mit verschiedenen zusätzlichen Anpassungsmöglichkeiten.

Radar – Overlay

Ähnlich wie die bekannte App Helicorsa aus Assetto-Corsa (Competizione).


Ein weiteres kompaktes Overlay, das einem alle benötigten Informationen zum Thema Boost bereitstellt.

Pro – Overlays

Zusätzlich exklusiv zahlenden Kunden vorbehalten sind folgende Overlays:

  • Input Telemetry: Vor allem für Streamer interessant
  • Head 2 Head: Für den direkten Vergleich zum Fahrzeug mit dem man sich im Zweikampf befindet.
  • Flatmap: Eine lineare Trackmap
  • Data Blocks: Einzelne Bestandteile der Telemetrie als eigene Blöcke (Geschwindigkeit, Drehzahl, etc.)

Discord & Download

Die Anwendung Racelabs lässt sich über den offiziellen Discord-Channel von Racelabs herunterladen.

Einladungslink: Get RaceLabApps from https://discordapp.com/invite/h4Sc4M7



Q: How to use the app?

Look in the faq in the app or watch this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHn3Ophjctg.

Q: When i open the overlays I don't see anything. Is it a bug?

First make sure you’re in an iRacing session and not in fullscreen(look below in technical section). If you are sure about this both things then write in #report_bug and someone will try to help you for sure (probably Istvan :D).

Q: Live positions are working strange. What I need to do?

You need to set limit of the cars in iRacing settings to the max value(63).

Q: Can I click through the overlays?

Yes, you just need to lock it. You can click the lock icon in the app or with „CTRL+SHIFT+L“. You unlock them the same way.

Q: Can I hide the overlays for a moment to look at sth behind them?

Yes, you just can hide it temporarily using „CTRL+SHIFT+H“. Then press this combination again to show them.

Q: What is BattleBot and how to use it?

In short, it is an overlay which show the delta time to nearby opponents. More info here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31RfQ2nC_l4 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ti_HXPlqVnQ.

Technical issues

Q: Does the app support iRacing in full-screen mode?

Currently the app does not support full-screen mode, this will be changed in a later version. You will have to run the game in windowed or borderless windowed mode. Go to graphics settings in iRacing, then just untick fullscreen and border boxes. Currently the app does not support full-screen mode, this will be changed in a later version. You will have to run the game in windowed or borderless windowed mode. Go to graphics settings in iRacing, then just untick fullscreen and border boxes. Then you have to restart the iRacing and it will open in borderless window.

Q: I still can't set borderless window

If you are having issues with borderless mode, here is a more detailed guide to help you set it up. https://github.com/SIMRacingApps/SIMRacingApps/wiki/How-to-setup-iRacing-in-Windowed-Mode

Q: Any link you could point me to that would help in editing the app.ini for triples?
Q: Is there any way to change track temp from °F to °C?

Set the units to metric in Iracing. Later will be option in the app to choose °F or °C or both.

Q: Can you change the KPH TO MPH?

Set the units to imperial in Iracing.

Q: iRacing won't recognize my keyboard inputs using this overlay.

Could be because you have the focus on the overlay. It’s a transparent window, so you might not see it but you clicked on it before so iracing is not in focus anymore


Q: Does this work in VR?

Yes its supports VR natively (steam vr users only) Tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw_Vfv-13Cg

Q: Is there a plan to launch for Oculus users in the future?

Unfortunately not. It’s a completely different platform. You need to use the pin function in oculus which is given with the factory app. https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/a1cd5h/how_do_i_pin_a_window/ However there is possible workaroung. It is explained here: https://sites.google.com/view/racelab-oculus/home?authuser=0


Q: Can i give some suggestion?

For sure. Write it in the #suggestions-ideas category. But before check our backlog, maybe your idea on the list. https://trello.com/b/KoAeLSE5/racelabapps-status

Q: The app open source? Can i contribute?

Sorry not OSS. The only poeple who can touch the code are Istvan and unreal.

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