iRacing Companion App now available
iRacing now has an official APP for their simulation, which is now available for free for both Android and iOS. All you need to use it is an active iRacing account.
Aus iSchedule wird iRacing Companion
After iRacing announced the acquisition of the iSchedule app, the new companion app was worked on in parallel. The developer of the iSchedule app, Vincent Maestre, worked together with the web developers of iRacing on the new app, which includes the features of the “predecessor” and will be further developed in the future.
Sync your iRacing account and see all your licenses, statistics, and last race times in one place.
Explore all available series for each of your licenses. Favorite any series you like and have them quickly accessible in your favorites section. Also, add reminders for Series.
Have a clear overview of all upcoming races on iRacing. Filter your search by series, category, licenses, setup, and multiclass. View the time, conditions, schedule, standings, session times, and information for each race. Add reminders for any race and add races to your favorites.
Add reminders for leagues and official series. The app will notify you before the race starts!
Don’t miss any important updates for iRacing. See exciting updates from iRacing’s pro esports series, as well as content previews, gift cards, contest updates, and more.
View all of the leagues you have joined and add race reminders. Additionally, view and filter all your owned content on iRacing by owned/unowned, type, release, and price.
All of your account data like reminders, notifications, time settings, owned content, and preferences are now synchronized on the cloud. Everything will be updated and synced automatically on up to three devices.
The app is now available as a free download for Android and iOS.