iRacing – Das Phänomen Brake Dragging

iRacing – Das Phänomen Brake Dragging

Brake Dragging im Bezug auf iRacing ist in den letzten Tagen in alle Munde und ein Ende der Thematik ist noch lange nicht in Sicht.

Brake Dragging

Brake Dragging an sich ist keine Neuheit und wird schon seit Ewigkeiten, auch in realen Rennserien, eingesetzt. Vereinfacht gesagt ermöglicht es durch gleichzeitiges Bremsen und Gas geben und gleichzeitiges Lenken Temperatur in die Bremse und damit auch den Reifen zu bekommen.

Die Problematik

Das Problem in iRacing ist das Brake Dragging ohne die in Realität auftretenden Begleiterscheinungen möglich ist:

  • Erhöhung des Reifendrucks
  • Massive Belastung von Bremsen und Reifen

Der User PabloGz hat die Problematik in seinem Video noch einmal inklusive kurzer Demonstration zusammengefasst:

Statement des iRacing-Staffs

We appreciate your patience as we have been monitoring and evaluating the increased discussion regarding drivers dragging their brakes during qualifying sessions in order to build more temperature in their tires.
First and foremost, it is important to note that iRacing takes these discussions seriously. Any delay in response by staff is a product of a number of internal discussions and tests. It is important for us to ensure we fully understand what the community is experiencing and discuss the impact that any, of a number of possible updates, would have on the service as a whole.
Secondly, it is important to note that the process of dragging brakes while warming the tires on an outlap is a commonly used real-world tactic across many levels of motorsport from club level all the way to professional ranks. iRacing’s physics model takes such heat transfers into account. This concept, in-of-itself, is not an exploit. This is simply part of the process of racing.
We are aware of everyone’s concerns regarding qualifying scrutiny and currently have our team evaluating what the most appropriate course of action is in both the short term and over time to minimize exploitive behaviors and to keep the on-track action as realistic as possible.
I can say that the first option that we are looking at is to make the qualifying sessions more transparent. The ability to view your fellow drivers during qualifying would make those sessions more entertaining while you are waiting but also would allow for community policing of unrealistic driving behavior (such as pit lane driving) and a simpler process to submit a protest. As with most things, making such a change is not changing a single line of code but we are looking at this as a change in the near future to help.
We are also evaluating our Qualifying Scrutiny Systems to improve their detection methods for unrealistic driving behaviors. We do currently have a stronger scrutiny level that would require drivers to maintain higher speeds during qualifying and we are currently looking at how such a change would impact the service as a whole. While weaving and dragging brakes is not a violation of the sporting code, requiring drivers to maintain higher speeds would minimize the reliance on such tactics.
Keeping the iRacing service a fair and competitive environment has always been a top priority. This is the reason that we employ a full team of Race Stewards and continue to develop systems such as our Qualifying Scrutiny System. We understand that the community would like us to do more and we are looking at what the best options will be to accomplish that.
See you on the track!

Greg West – iRacing-Staff

Das Team von iRacing hat sich dem Problem also angenommen und man arbeitet gerade an einer Lösung, welche im Sinne der Community getroffen werden soll. Zwei der beschriebenen möglichen Lösungsansätze sind:

  • Das Qualifying transparenter gestalten und ein Zuschauen bei den anderen Teilnehmern ermöglichen. Mögliche Vergehen wären dann wohl über Proteste zu ahnden
  • Eine Verschärfung der Mindestgeschwindigkeit während des Qualifyings um unnatürliches Fahren einzuschränken.

Eine Veränderung des Reifenmodells scheint zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt aber noch nicht in Frage zu kommen.

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