GTR3: Discord-Server schließt

Viele Fans von Rennsport-Simulationen hatten nach den unerwarteten News zu GTR3 Ende letzten Jahres kurzzeitig die Hoffnung es könnte doch noch etwas werden mit dem Nachfolger der allseits beliebten Sim GTR2.
Dieser Hoffnung wurde nun ein jähes Ende bereitet, der dazugehörie Discord-Server schließt und mit ihm auch vorerst alle Hoffnungen auf einen Releasetermin. Das offzielle Statement:
Simbin Studios’ GTR3 project is undergoing a necessary restructure, and as part of that we’ll be closing the GTR3 Discord channel at 18:00 UTC on Friday March 26th. We know this will be disappointing, but we believe it’s the best and most honest thing to do. We would like to thank everyone who has joined the community and followed our social channels, while sincerely apologising for another false start.
Work on the project will continue behind the scenes. But from now on, there will be no more empty promises. No more optimistic statements. We know we’ve let you all down: not just once, but on more than one occasion over the years.
The drive to make GTR3 has always been real: we all want to make something worthy of the GTR name and that desire is still there. The development team has worked hard and made genuine progress. Unfortunately a combination of issues has hindered delivery. The problems have been compounded by over-optimistic communications – but as gaming history shows us, optimism doesn’t deliver results.You deserve more.
Now is the time to reset and go again. The good news is that there is fresh impetus behind the project. Simbin Studios UK is part of the KW Automotive group and sits alongside Sector 3 Studios – the team behind the venerable RaceRoom sim. KW has a rich heritage in motorsport and brings real-world knowledge to the table, supporting teams in top-line series the world over. The RaceRoom studio has produced an amazing array of content and is fully embedded in the sim racing world. KW’s portfolio also includes high-end race sim hardware brands TrackTime and Ascher Racing, making sim frames and amazing direct-drive wheels respectively.
The solid talent in Simbin Studios UK will be backed up by additional resources and a fresh plan. When we re-emerge from this self-imposed exile, it will only be with real, hard facts – from day one.
Simbin Studios UK
The lessons have been learned.